The Different Factors That Lead Someone To The Office Of A Psychiatrist

By Connor Sullivan

Making an appointment to go see a psychiatrist, psychologist or using Cincinnati counseling services is something that people did very infrequently and often were filled with shame and embarrassment regarding that need. Today, that sense of shame is slowly becoming less and is improving as a lot fo Americans have found the assistance they receive from Cincinnati family counseling very helpful and often life saving. There are many factors why someone would seek the assistance of getting psychological help and this article will discuss several of those reasons. It will mention the need for help for victims of a crime or abuse, people that need help to fight an addiction of some sort, to deal with and handle a mental illness or to help them through a hard life change such as a divorce or a death of someone close.

Unfortunately with crime rates going up in several states, that means the numbers of victims increases too. The good news is that victims of crimes are now stepping forward and reporting those crimes more regularly than they used to, to end the violence. Another good change is the number of people who are seeking out counseling after being hurt or injured or the victim of some type of abuse, physical or mental. This is a key component for them to be able to get better and to live a good life once they handle all of the anxiety, anger, shame and depression over having to survive such a thing.

Another reason someone may need to seek the help of a psychologist or a psychiatrist would be if they are addicted to something. This can be an addiction to food, alcohol and drugs, gambling or sex. Understanding the reason why they feel the need to supplement their life with another thing and become addicted to it is extremely imperative in determining ways to eliminate that addiction. If they cut out the thing cold turkey without learning why they abused it in the first place, their success will be short lived.

Mental illnesses used to be things that people did not like acknowledge due to the shame that went along with it. Depression is the most rapid rising illness in the US with more and more patients being diagnosed with it each year. A combination of prescription medication and talk therapy are proven to be the most helpful in combating that disease. Be sure to find a doctor or counselor that specializes in depression.

The phrase, life happens is a common one with Americans meaning that they can't control over everything that may happen in their lives and learning ways to handle with those things is a part of life. A lot of things can happen unexpectedly like a divorce or a death of a loved one that may come crashing down on you. Seeking the help of a psychologist after one of these events is very helpful in understanding the various stages of grief that go along with a divorce or a death. - 32530

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Cure for Stuttering

By Thomas Davey-Clarke

Many people suffer a lot of pain associated with this speech impediment, not to mention there many social complications tied to it. If you have ever suffered from this vocal aggravation then you know exactly what I am talking about. If I told you there was a cure for stuttering, you would want to know it, right? Now don't start getting nervous, I am not going to tell you that speech therapy is the cure. Although for some, this might be the answer, depending on the cause for stuttering.

The reasons are because we are all made different. Every one of us are unique, therefore what may cause one person to stutter might not be the same as the other person. That also means that there is not one cure to cure all people, but don't get disappointed. There are many different cures for stuttering that I am going to go over with you here.

Being that stuttering is a psychological struggle, there could be many reasons on why you have to deal with this issue. That is why going to speech therapy classes will work for some people, but not others. It is a hit or miss treatment, so you may need to try other alternative methods. One of the other methods I would like to talk to you about is that of hypnotherapy, this is another cure for stuttering.

Stuttering means you have trouble telling people how you feel, or what you are thinking about. This barrier to expressing yourself clearly leads to other psychological issues: shyness, social challenges, and in extreme cases, suicidal tendencies. When you have to think long and hard before you speak certain words, I can understand the frustration.

One huge problem we face is a lot of people have a sort of "Burger King Mentality", wanting it their way right away and right now. Think about it, our whole society is impatient, so we don't give anyone enough time to think about what they are saying before they actually say it. Instead you get rushed a long because we don't have the time for you to take to spell it out for us. That bad thing about this is that we will not take the time to get to know how much of a valuable person you are. I'm not even going to bring up how depressing this can be.

Instead of all that, let see what hypnotherapy can do for you. What kind of benefit can this alternative cure do for stuttering? Just think how nice it would be to be like those articulate speakers, forming your words with your thoughts, and being able to verbalize them with rapid speech!

Many of you are probably asking, why hypnotherapy? Why not just go to the doctor and get him to prescribe some medications for anti-stuttering since they are on the market today? Of course you could use them as a third alternative if you want to deal with the side effects. Most of the side effects with these medications have not been properly evaluated and documented. But, these medications will cure stuttering problems. I just don't think it would be safe to risk the side effects due them being undocumented.

Hence, hypnotherapy, which can also cure stuttering and any related psychological problems associated with it. All without any ill side effects. Finally, you can cure your stuttering and the world can meet a great person. - 32530

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Say Bye To Depression, Live A Stress Free Life

By Renita D'Souza

Want to beat the winter blues? Want to eliminate stress? See & experience life yourself with a new & beautiful dimension to it.

Clinical depression goes by many names -depression, "the blues," biological depression, major depression. But it all refers to the same thing: feeling sad and depressed for weeks or months at a time, accompanied by feelings of hopelessness, lack of energy, and taking little or no pleasure in things that gave you joy in the past.

Clinical depression is an awful disease. Depression turns its victims into shells of their former selves; depression patients are stripped of all the hope and joy and emotional vitality that make life worth living in the first place. The good news, though, is that depression treatment really does work, and that the right depression treatment center really can help you rediscover the world as you used to know it.

Yes, depression treatment centers are places of hope, and of healingbut they're also places of effort and of struggle, places where depression treatment patients get better only by virtue of the commitment they bring to the depression treatment process. There's no gentle way out of the depression wilderness. If you want to get better, you're going to have to work for it.

Depression matters, simply put, because depression victims matter. More to the point, depression treatment matters because depression treatment programs give depression treatment patients cause for hope, and for faith; depression treatment matters because it works, and because it saves lives. In the fight against depression, you'll never have a greater ally than a depression treatment center you can trust.

If you've made it this far, you don't have to be told how debilitating depression can be. What matters, now, is that you're ready to take the first step: that you're ready to enroll in a depression treatment program, and let depression treatment professionals help you get better. Please, for your own sake, make today the day you decide to start fixing tomorrow.

The right depression treatment center makes a world of difference in the depression treatment process. If you're going to get healed, you need depression treatment that meets your individual needs, and serves your individual interests; you need depression treatment that addresses you as you actually are, without resorting to generalities or supposedly "universal" treatment solutions. If you're going to win the fight against clinical depression, you might say, you're going to have to win it on your own terms, get started today. - 32530

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Tightness in Chest with Anxiety

By Trevor Mosley

Tightness in the chest with anxiety usually ensues after a panic attack. Chest tightness happens to victims who suffer from mild levels of anxiety too. Due to the similarity in the sensations, one often confuses chest tightness with heart attack. However, this sensation is typically less suffocating if its lead on by anxiety compared to a heart attack.

Chest tightness is often described as compression or pressure on the chest cavity area, and it goes together with faster heart beat and shortness of breath. Fear of unknown or impending danger is also experienced together with tightness in the chest due to a panic attack.

Difference between panic tightness and heart attack

Chest tightness led on by panic attacks are often mistaken for a heart attack. In reality, there is a difference in the intensity of the episodes. The former is of course less severe. The patient may be rushed to the hospital. Typically, when he arrives at the emergency room his symptoms will subside. Being able to distinguish between the two will help to save one from a misdiagnosis and allow him/her to deal with his anxiety sooner.

Heart attacks usually crush and squeeze at one's chest and one feels excruciating pressure from the sensation. The symptoms are very different from chest tightness caused by anxiety attacks. The physical pain first begins at the heart and quickly spreads to the rest of the body. One may feel lightheaded or even blackout. These symptoms are not felt during a panic attack.

How tightness in the chest happens

Panic attacks in general begin in the central nervous system when a person enters the fight or flight response to threats, whether real or imagined. When the body enters this response phase, the tightness occurs because the mind perceives the threat and exaggerates the level of threat, causing a fight or flight response to even small insignificant stressors. In this case, one should seek help for the panic attacks.

Chest tightness usually does not go away until after the anxiety attack though in some cases it strikes sporadically. The pain that one feels is equivalent to the excruciating pain of being stabbed in the chest. The pain spreads quickly to the oesophagus, and the victim is advised against lying on his back.

A cure for chest tightness

The most effective treatment for chest tightness is exercising relaxation techniques. This includes sitting down and just breathing in through the nostrils and out through the mouth. Sufferers should focus on the act of breathing and try to keep their thoughts from the fear or threat that triggers the anxiety.

Prescription drugs can help fight the symptoms of panic attacks and alleviate the chest pain. Most victims bring along an inhaler that they can use when their chest tightness acts up.

Prevention is always better than cure, so it is imperative that victims living with tightness in the chest caused by anxiety realise that their fears are sometimes imaginary and that they have to control the situation. Through understanding and analysing the different causes of his anxiety he will be able to head down the road of recovery eventually. - 32530

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How Massage For Stress Can Help You

By Adriana Noton

A daily self-administered massage for stress can go a long way to alleviate and prevent stress, which could lead to stiff and achy muscles in the shoulders, back and neck. Stress is also the biggest culprit when it comes to symptoms of high blood pressure, headaches and palpitations. A good preventative massage is the Hellerwok massage for stress.

Research of the benefits of stress reducing massage has been ongoing for over 120 years and proven that a good massage relaxes the mind, the body and soul by providing a feeling of peace and quiet, away from the tension of day-to-day pressures.

It has also been found that massage decreases anxiety and respiratory rates and also help to increase white blood cells. Hence, massage benefits the immune system. Results from the James Cancer Hospital & Research Institute found that cancer patients experienced less anxiety and pain after they received a therapeutic massage.

Depression in mothers who have recently lost a child to death was helped by therapeutic massage, according to the University of South Carolina. It was established that patients of abdominal surgery recovered quicker with the help of massage and HIV-exposed infants gained weight faster with therapeutic massage.

There are many benefits of massage for stress. It helps to decrease blood pressure and heart rate in hypertension sufferers and alleviating migraines. It also helps to improve alertness and improved performance.

Although muscle strength is not enhanced by massage, dormant muscles are revived after long periods of no activity caused by injury or sickness. Recovery from sports injuries is aided by massage.

Research on autistic children proved that massages helped them behave less erratically. Premature babies benefited from massage and gained weight more quickly. Burn patients experienced less pain, itching, tension and anxiety when they were massaged.

Office workers who received massage for stress reported better performance, less stress and higher alertness. Doctors report that stress is the cause of up to 90% of ailments that bring people into the physician's office. People miss the old school tough of a caring doctor or nurse.

With therapeutic massage, one benefits from an improved posture, lower blood pressure, reduces eye-strain, more flexible joints and deeper breathing.

Massage therapy offers many mental benefits that include peace of mind, mental alertness and increases the mind-body awareness.

Nothing beats a foot massage for stress. Try this yourself by relaxing your foot completely and then soaking both feet in a foot spa or bath of hot water. Add a drop of peppermint oil, which benefits the circulation and also boasts anti-inflammatory as well as antiseptic properties. Relax your body completely by taking deep slow breathes and closing your eyes, letting no negative thoughts or anxiety seep in. After 20 minutes, dry the feet in a soft towel. Gently squeeze the muscles of the calves to relieve muscle stiffness and rotate the ankles five times and stroke the anklebones gently with your fingers. Work all the thumb pads using a press-release motion all over the surface of the foot.

Massage for stress applied daily will prevent stress and particularly for those who had injuries and trauma and for the sick. - 32530

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How To Stop Panic Attacks And Anxiety

By Adrian Logan

Learning to stop anxiety and panic attacks isn't difficult, but they can be very difficult to conquer on their own, without any guidance. Here is how I learned to stop these attacks forever.

When I first had periods of panic, the first symptoms I noticed was that my chest felt heavy, and it was difficult to breathe, almost like there wasn't enough oxygen in the air. I found out a few weeks later that the perception of breathing difficulties, along with an elevated and even painful heart rate, are the two biggest side effects of panic attacks.

* The first thing that will help you stop panic attacks is realizing that these attacks are nothing more and nothing less than your body reacting to stress in your life, which activates the biological fight-or-flight reaction. There is no physical cause, and these episodes do not harm your body or pose any danger to you.

* You might not even realize at first that you're having a panic episode. You might think you're having a heart attack, or your lungs aren't working properly, or you are sick, but all of these feelings are physical manifestations of problems that are actually entirely internal. Tell yourself that you are fine, these attacks don't kill anyone, and that this attack will pass, will help you get through your next episode.

* Finding the cause is the next step to take. Did you have panic episodes like this a year ago? What about six months ago? What changed? If you can't think of any significant, stressful differences in your life, think back a month at a time until you create a shortlist of possibilities. Sometime it is an accumulation of various little problem.

* Your panic attacks might be resulting from an elevation of problems or anxiety that had been building up over months or years and finally reached "critical mass" and not caused by extremely recent concerns. They might be symptoms of a slowly-growing mental affliction, like generalized anxiety disorder or depression, that your body went overboard because it was not able to sustain any longer.

* Finally you should determine whether or not you are able to cure your own panic attacks. It is important to convinced yourself that what you're experiencing, are panic attacks and not something seriously wrong with your body. It may take a few doctor's examinations before you believe that.

Look below to find out how you can start to feel happy and relax again. You can do it! - 32530

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How to Cure Stuttering Problems

By Carlos Zhang

Your social growth can be harmed by stuttering. There are many areas it can affect in your life, from conversing with friends and family, to trying to talk with your co workers. There are huge frustrations when it comes to speech impediments. Some have reported in wanting to end their life due to the embarrassment and hurt they have received because of stuttering. One does not have to go through this if they know how to cure stuttering. In this article I will show you a few techniques you can do to work toward the cure for your stuttering.

Dave Ramsey talked about practicing something he called "gazelle intensity". This means that if you are going wholeheartedly in learning how to cure stuttering, and you're practicing, then nothing else matters. All you really need to learn is how to apply yourself.

The primary thought to keep in mind as you go through this technique is that you are not under the gun. There is no time limit for getting this technique down. Take the time, get into it with that gazelle intensity, and gauge your progress. Remember, too, that you are not being forced to speak. You only need to speak when you feel ready and comfortable enough to do so.

You will need to learn to establish good, solid eye contact with whomever you are speaking with. This will bolster you with confidence. All excellent public speakers can keep their audience enthralled with good eye contact. If you are uncomfortable with getting and keeping eye contact, at first, then practice first looking at your audience's nose, right on the bridge below the eyes. Then, gradually move your eyes up to meet their gaze, once you have enough confidence.

You need to practice speaking at the top of your breath, as this technique will fill you with confidence as you hear how powerful your voice can be. It is this confidence that will play a key role in learning how to cure stuttering. It is this confidence that will also eliminate your desire to hesitate in your speaking, which leads to stuttering.

Visualization works well here. You want to picture - no, hear - in your mind the things you want to say. Hear yourself speaking the thoughts you want to convey, what you want to get across to everyone. Practice saying these things clearly in your mind, before you begin to speak to others.

Jump on every consonant, every vowel, and each and every word with this same gazelle intensity, until you can do fantastically. When you think about and go over what you are going to say to yourself, then you will gain the confidence to speak to an audience and deliver those sentences that you want to.

When you are ready, start to talk to people. I would suggest that, as you are learning how to cure stuttering, that you begin by speaking with family and friends. Then gradually move outward to include acquaintances and maybe coworkers. Try this technique with around four or five people every day. In no time at all, with gazelle intensity, you will be comfortable enough to speak with anyone, anytime. - 32530

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Controlling Panic Attack

By Brock Davis

You need to find a way to control your panic attack fear. Dealing with the fear of another panic attack can completely take over your life. If left untreated, this fear can become totally debilitating as you run out of "safe" places to be.

By now you know the fear is irrational. But you can't get that message through to your brain. It continues to send distress signals to the body and the body responds causing those horrifying feelings during the attack. Understand that the more you fear having an attack, the more likely you will have one.

Your chances of getting another panic attack will be greatly reduced if you can overcome your fear and have confidence that you can handle an attack.

You have to find a way to deal with the fear. There are several therapies available to you. It includes a short term solution involving prescription drugs. These can mask the symptoms but as they could be harmful, you should not take it for long term usage.

Cognitive therapy works for most people but takes a significant amount of time. It holds a lot of promise but this is a long learning lesson from a psychotherapist. Basically it walks you through situations that you fear bit by bit until you can take it on all at once. It

In addition, there is another method to help panic attack. It deals with the physical aspects of the panic attack as well as the mental. This method involves techniques that allow you to control the panic attack by performing exercises to control the body and disrupting the message being sent by the brain.

This method is able to addresses the long term requirement of finding the trigger that sets your attacks off and it is able to provide quick relief for the condition.

Using this method allows you to control the attack and builds your confidence in your ability to deal with future attacks. As your confidence grows your fear of attacks decline. As a result, you will experience fewer and fewer panic attacks until you are back to normal and leading a panic free life.

Are you keen to find out about the method and end your panic attack forever? If so, check out the resource below. - 32530

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Health Maintenance. Never too early or too costy

By Dmitriy Volokhovskiy

Regardless of the time of year, it's never too early to start resolving some of your more difficult challenges. Nor is it ever too late! Different products might help you with your health maintenance schedule and they may be a bit expensive. When you're ready to understand your personal worth, you'll pay anything to improve yourself.

There are so many pressures in the modern world that people face. From poverty to depression to unhealthy environments, people the world over have hard things to handle. However, it is very important to work towards health maintenance regardless of the difficulties a person is facing.

How are you feeling about yourself, your life, the world around you? Maybe you are experiencing emotional and physical exhaustion. Maybe your eating habits aren't the greatest and you have very little time for sleep with all the work you are doing. It is now possible to improve all of these areas of your life, with the help of a simple device developed in Russia meant to help with health maintenance.

In Russia, a country known for enduring hardships both geographically and economically, the people have developed natural ways for health maintenance. There is a strong belief that everything in the natural world is connected through scientifically proven longitudinal electromagnetic waves. They believe that doing things such as leaning against the right type of tree can help revitalize and energize a person. And they've found a way to bring this type of revitalization into every day life.

The Functional State Corrector or FSC is part of a modern form of technology now being applied to health maintenance. Instilled within a small device is a magnetic field scalar component that helps to regulate the biorhythms and body systems of a human being. Small and compact, the device is perfect for people who have little time to change their schedules or undertake strict dietary or physical activity regimes.

Suffering from depression, stress and negative energies that are present every day can affect a person in so many ways. Reconnecting to the natural world through the FSC might be the solution best suited to them. Health maintenance can help improve all aspects of life but can be difficult to maintain when life keeps throwing out challenge after challenge. A simple device created by the trusted intelligence behind the Russian space program might provide the best way to get back into living healthily.

The simple and cost-effective alternative is to take proper health care by means of some preventive measures. There is a completely new approach for doing these. Russian scientists created a new type health maintenance device, called the Functional State Corrector or shortly the FSC. The device responds to the human aura distortions with an adequate correction. The strength of the corrective influence is proportional to the strength of the distortion. It's resembles a feedback loop, that monitors the perfect state of its owner. When everything is fine, the device stays silent. When one start to use an FSC, the psychological level responds at the very first day. It makes the FSC a perfect prophylaxis remedy. More than that, all kinds of stress, anxiety, depression, fears are the first victims. The state of mind changes to positive from the first day of the FSC use.

One has literally nothing to do for all that: the only thing You'll need to do - is to place the device nearby or carry in the pocket. The device poses positive influence through the liquid media. And we consist of water by 70 percent. Inner organism liquids are affected by the positive information prerecorded on the FSC. It's a real find for those, who never have time for their health, who has to drive for a long time, and for those people who travel a lot. No exercises, no affirmations, no meditations it simply works by itself! - 32530

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Depression Is One Of The Most Common Of All Mental Health Problems.

By Pedro Toledo

According to the World Health Organisation (WHO), and despite 50 years of extensive research and tremendous enhancements in technology; WHO states that there is no single cause or explanation of depression. Rather it is suggested that a combination of biological (genetic and biochemical), sociological (stressors) and psychological (development and life experiences) factors interact to cause depression. This definition reflects what the vast majority of mental health and well being organisations from around the globe propose. However, WHO employs a biopsychosocial model to provide a picture of depression.

Luckily, there are many ways of overcoming depression. In fact, instead of going through intensive processes and treatments, many people are successful in overcoming depression the natural way.

Overcoming depression the natural way should be one of the first solutions that people resort to today. It can range from the simplest and most practical solutions that do not require much effort. It can simply begin by changing a chaotic lifestyle. This simple treatment does not include long term medications and clinical treatments.

Changing a chaotic lifestyle is a challenging thing in the beginning. The key is to determine which factor causes the depression. Once determined, the next thing to do is to eliminate it. Maintaining a lifestyle free from depressive elements is the first step towards the change. Before you know it, the depression disappears gradually.

Surrounding ones self with positive things and keeping an optimistic attitude at all times is also another practical way to overcome depression. The principle behind this technique is to attract all positive things and thoughts. Getting rid of the pessimism and letting the positive energy in can have an enormous effect on the way one sees things.

Worryingly, the pre-school age group (0-5 years) has been one of the fastest growing markets for antidepressants in recent years (Psychiatric Services, April 2004). Of interest, if depression was purely and simply due to a biochemical imbalance; why is psychotherapy or talk therapy just as effective in the treatment of depression? This fact alone calls into question the oversimplification that depression is due to a biochemical imbalance or genetic factors. How can talking about something overcome a medical illness or disease due to a biochemical imbalance, as so often and strongly advocated by the health authorities and pharmaceutical companies? Psychological Factors: According to WHO, "how and what a person thinks may determine the onset of depression. If people have distorted thinking by which they view everything around them including themselves and their future as negatively and pessimistically, then their mood also becomes sad, completing the picture of depression". - 32530

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Depression Overshadowing Your Life? Cliffside Malibu Has The Solution

By Jacob Ross

Depression not just affects you, but also your family and friends. That is the reason why we focus our treatment on you and your family members. The individuals and their families will find the spa treatments, heated lap pool, gym, and fitness center, yoga, swimming and hiking all very appealing. You can simply handover your worries to a rehab center, which provides for a calm environment and support from all the people around. The end result is a happy and worry-free life.

If you feel you have depression problem, you don't need to worry, because Cliffside Malibu will provide for the answers to all your doubts. Located on a two-acre estate overlooking the Pacific Ocean, it will give unmatched results that will leave you happy and satisfied. You also don't need to worry about recurrent problems or side-effects, because it provides 100% recovery solutions within your budget. Your comfort is the most important thing, because it believes that unless and until a person is comfortable and happy, he won't be able to get rid of his problems.

You can have gourmet meals, spa treatments and lots of recreational activities, which promise to make your stay here memorable. Pressure and tension will be a part of your life, and these are the things you need to remove them in a jiffy. It is important to focus on the recovery rather than be tensed about it. These depression treatment centers can help you or your loved one beat this problem and reclaim your life. If you or someone you love suffers from a depression, these centers can definitely help; if the measure is required, they can even assist in staging an intervention.

When in-residence treatment is completed, an after-care program is provided and counseling is also offered along with other services for family members. Residents are comfortable, relaxed, medically supervised and worry-free during their stay, so that they have nothing to distract them from their recovery. The staff are caring, focused on ensuring patients receive the individual attention they require to succeed and have a wealth of experience in dealing with depression.

Treatment requires a good and clean environment which can provide you with adequate motivation and courage to get out of your habit, and this is exactly what is provided by Cliffside Malibu. Our doctors and therapists are well-versed in dealing with depression and have developed treatment programs that also concentrate the reasons behind getting depressed in the first place. You will have access to our after-care program on completion, helping ensure that you remain depression-free.

Experience and expertise are needed for proper and correct treatment, which will have long-lasting effects and avoid any serious side-effects. Also, one more important aspect is the topic of recurrent problems. There has been a lot of debate about how people get back their problems and depression after some days. So a holistic treatment with emphasis on all round and complete development of an individual, physically as well as mentally, is needed.

They have successfully treated people for depression for years. They know what works and what doesn't. Everything from the staff, the programs to the facilities and the experience is perfect. Do you want to get cured right away, or suffer throughout your life? The decision is yours. - 32530

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How to Cure Stammering Problems

By Carlos Zhang

If you are looking to learn how to cure stammering then I will show you how. You are probably wandering how I am able to make such a bold statement, but remember when it comes to something as deep as stammering it is not going to go away just because someone tells you that they can show you how to cure stammering. But listen for a moment as I go on. What you are about to learn is not an overnight cure. Tomorrow will be the same; you're not going to wake up cured from stammering. Like all things, you are going to have to do some work. Okay more than some, let's try a lot. There are certain things you need to do, certain actions you need to take to get the job done right. I will walk you through those steps.

There are two science terms I would like to bring up to you about stammering, but after I have told you keep them in the back of your mind because this will not be a science journal. It is important that you know about them because they are both a part of the cure. These two words are called triggers and blocks. Stammering deals with blocks more than they do with triggers, while those that deal with stuttering deal more with triggers.

I am going to teach you a way to bust through the blocks that are causing you to stammer, both physically and mentally. Once you learn what your blocks are you will be able to more easily get into fluent speaking. This is one of many exercises that will prove to you that there is a way to cure stammering.

What you need to do first is to grab your favorite magazine or book, whatever you may have lying around the house. Find something that will keep you interested in reading. While reading this start timing yourself for the next minute. Make sure during this minute to focus on speaking clearly and fluently, but don't get aggravated with it and mad about reading out loud. When you have finished reading, go back and count all the words you read for a minute. This way you have a starting point or a base, so to speak. That way you can compare numbers as you move up in this exercise.

Next you need to read the same thing again. Make sure to read at a pace that doesn't make you stammer, be comfortable. You will probably start at a slow pace, but don't let that bother you. Also be sure to record the amount of words read for that minute. It will not matter if it is less or more than your first number. You should only focus on how fast you can read out loud, without stammering.

Start over again. This time read a different section and record the words read in that amount of time. Your number one priority is to get faster with time, but don't rush it, take your time. Only get faster if you can make it through your reading without stammering. That is where your concentration needs to be. Practice this without stammering over and over.

Your next step is to read the selection again. You want to read at a pace that is comfortable, but will not invoke any real stammering. Again, don't stress out if your reading pace is slow. Record how many words you read during that minute. Whether or not it is more or less than the number from before is not important. You just want to focus on reading at a rate of speed that will not cause you to stammer while you are reading.

Rinse and repeat. Continue to read the selection out loud, and recording your number of words read in that minute. Your ultimate aim is to get faster over time. Take your time about it though. You only want to get faster with your reading if you can get through the selection without stammering so, just concentrate on reading without stammering, and get faster as you keep practicing. - 32530

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Bipolar Disorder: An Overview

By Sean Davids

Bipolar disorder is a type of brain disorder that can make the most ordinary and normal of moods appear very extreme. Sometimes referred to as manic depression or manic-depressive illness, this disorder is characterized by unusual extremes and highs and lows of mood, activity levels, energy and the ability to do regular everyday tasks such as get out of bed and go to work in the morning.

The causes of bipolar disorder are not completely understood by the medical community. However, doctors have noted that it does tend to run in families and therefore a genetic predisposition to develop it is suspected. It is believed that bipolar disorder is related to certain chemicals in the brain that have gotten out of balance. When this happens, it then makes it more difficult for the brain to do its work. Doctors also believe that bipolar disorder and hormone levels are connected with each other. Studies have shown that a link exists between the development of bipolar disorder and thyroid hormone levels.

Bipolar disorder can affect individuals of all different races and ethnic backgrounds. This is a disorder that has nothing to do with socioeconomic status, education level or chosen profession. Bipolar disorder often appears when an individual is in their teenage or young adult years. However it has often been known to show itself in children as young as six years of age and in older adults. Studies have shown that women who suffer from bipolar disorder tend to experience more depression then men do, and are at a higher risk for rapid cycling. Rapid cycling is when a person suffers from four or more mood episodes in any given year. Mood episodes or simply episodes are the name given to the mood swings that an individual who has been diagnosed with this disorder goes through.

Bipolar disorder is frequently mistaken for depression. Depression can be sneaky in that it can sometimes obscure other elements that point to a bipolar diagnosis. If substance abuse is added to the picture then it can become even murkier and may remain undiagnosed for a lengthy period of time.

A diagnosis for an individual who exhibits the classic symptoms of bipolar disorder, which include cycles of elation and depressive mood swings, is relatively easy to make because it follows a pattern. However not all patients show symptoms that are as clear cut. For example, there are patients who do suffer from bipolar disorder but their symptoms are anything but classic. Mania mood swings can be mild episodes that do not really seem to point to a problem and sometimes can be attributed to circumstances or a person's unique personality. - 32530

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How Problems Within The Family Leads To Depression

By John Bryan

One of the biggest emotional problems that a lot of people experience is depression. There are many causes and also many reasons of depression. Some of those common reasons are a probable chemical imbalance in your body. While others are also caused by some other issues. One of those issues we are going to look at is family issues.

Family issues are a very traumatic problem when they occur. This is mostly due to the fact that family is such an intimate part of our lives. So when a problem or conflict within the family occurs, then it makes a lot of sense that it can eventually cause problems such as depression. This is one of the biggest reasons clients come see my in my depression counseling service. Because it is highly significant to address any family problems as soon as possible.

Depending on what the family problem is will eventually determine the correct course of action that is needed to fix the depression. For example if it is a marital problem then counseling is a great way to try and resolve the depression. When I get families with relationship problems in my family counselor practice I always try to get them into a regular counseling session. It is within these sessions that we can really address the depression aspect of it.

Now if the problem gets worse and the fighting starts to escalate where the marriage is now in trouble, then definitely serious counseling is highly needed. As a couples therapy practice what I try to do is try to have sessions with them. These sessions are especially designed to determine to the root of the problem.

The major goal is definitely to clearly find out what is particular thing causing the issues then dealing directly with it. Because a lot of times the root among the many issues are not fully understood. Well a perfect and effective counseling session can definitely help resolve this.

So as mentioned depression is a very powerful emotion strong enough that can be very harmful. And as mentioned in cases of family problems causing them, there are solutions. - 32530

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Breathing Exercises that Will Calm Your Panic Attacks

By Candace Martin

Panic attacks are terrifying, but they pose no direct medical problems. However, it's still important to develop strategies to calm yourself. Breathing techniques can be very helpful against panic attacks. Following are several different techniques that can help get your panic under control.

Sigh Breath: Some call the sigh breath "the instant tranquillizer," because it works so well for anxiety and panic. It specifically targets tension in your neck, diaphragm, and chest. When you feel the panic attack starting, say to yourself aloud: "Stop." Breathe in slowly through your nose, remembering to avoid a particularly deep inhale. Hold your breath for a second. Then breathe out gradually. Without making yourself uncomfortable, prolong the exhale as much as possible. While the air rushes out your body, relax your muscles. Concentrate on the muscles of your face, shoulders and abdomen. After you have finished exhaling, you'll experience a break before your next breath. Your diaphragm is not moving. Don't worry, this naturally happens. Just let yourself feel the tranquility. Inhale again, keeping your breath shallow.

Breathing with your diaphragm: Start by sitting comfortably in a chair, keeping your back straight. Some find closing their eyes more relaxing, so you may want to try that too. Place one hand on your chest and the other on your abdomen. Diaphragmatic breathing requires you to use your abdominal muscles. Inhale and exhale three or four times. You should not be exerting yourself. After your fourth exhale, do not immediately begin inhaling. Wait for a few moments. Without your prompting, your body should soon begin inhaling. Let your body breathe for itself. It will find its natural rhythm. Likely you will notice your abdomen regularly rising and falling. You're breathing with your diaphragm.

Meditation breathing: If you've ever taken a course in yoga or meditation, you know that by modifying your breathing, you can transform your mental state. To combat the onset of a panic attack, you can use meditative breathing to calm yourself. Sit with your back straight, and your feet flat on the ground. You want to have excellent posture, but be comfortable at the same time. Draw in a slow, deep breath. Hold your breath for a few moments, counting to five. Then exhale gradually. Before you inhale again, pause, again counting to five. Then inhale. You should be feeling a separation between your inhales and your exhales.

Buteyko Breathing: The main focus of Buteyko breathing is to reduce breathing, thus increasing carbon dioxide levels in the blood. Carbon dioxide, the body's natural tranquillizer, will calm the victim of the panic attack. However, some consider Buteyko breathing to be dangerous, as the low oxygen levels may lead to cell death. The disagreement among therapists is still quite contentious. If you decide you wish to pursue Buteyko breathing, you should work with a Buteyko instructor, for maximum safety. - 32530

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How To Stop worrying - A Perfect Way

By John Knight

Worrying is the main problem of many people in this world. Many of them worry everyday or many worry every hour. They try to find the solution but cannot get it. Some people worry about money, some about relationship, some about work, some about job, some about health etc.

People worry a lot. They do not think of living without worrying. But they should think that it is not giving them any results. Sometimes they try to stop worrying but cannot do it. This is because they do not know how to do it. They do not know the methods for it.

You cannot define worrying. So it means it is just wastage of time. Worrying will make you feel more worry. When you worry more and more negative thoughts come to your mind which in turn takes the form of negative and suicide feelings. And finally it takes the form of depression or similar disease. You will start feeling anxious and miserable. So we will discuss some of the solutions for worrying.

Just remember one thing when you start worrying. Remember that worrying will not give you any solution and it will only make you feel more worried. When you start worrying repeat one thing that is you are wasting your time. This will give you relief. You will start working on the problem and start making plans to solve it. If you will not worry then you will make your plans easily and in less time.

There is a saying of Sri Sri Ravi Shankar Ji, cut the past, shut the future, live in present. This means do not worry about the past as it is gone and if you will plan your present well then you do not have to worry about your future. The two most important things in life are exercise and yoga. Practice these two things everyday and you will see a major change in your life. Meditation is a very good thing. Just read the books that are written about the benefits of not worrying.

Think about what worst things can happen to you if you do not solve the problem. It will give you a lot of relief as the results that you will see will not be so much worst. You will see the problem that you are thinking of is not a big problem and you will be able to find the solutions easily.

Now suppose the main problem of everybody in this world is money. The main problem is saving money for future. You worry that you cannot save good amount for your future. So in this case instead of worrying think how you can save. Make a diary every day about how much you spent. See your diary after some days and note which things you should avoid spending and save money. This will save a lot.

Worrying can give you a lot of problems and diseases. Many diseases can stick to you. So the best thing is to stop worrying and start working. - 32530

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Stress Relief: Release Your Stress with Massage Therapy

By Eric Richards

Are you feeling more stress these days? Don't worry, you certainly are not alone. Many polls are showing that people are feeling much more stress these days than just a few short years ago. The world is changing fast and the economic situation has put more stress on people than before. Now, it is even more important to get relief from stress. One excellent way to do this is with a massage chair.

Stress is a normal reaction of the body. It is a reaction for self protection. When we come under stress, it activates our body to react. This reaction causes our bodies to be ready for action.

There are an infinite variety of things that can cause us stress. It can be as simple as not being able to pay the rent or more complex and our relationships with others. Whatever the cause, the reaction of our bodies to stress is all very similar.

A typical reaction to stress is the fight or flight reaction. Our body is primed to take a self protective action either to fight or to run away. However, many of the stresses in modern times do not call for such a reaction.

Our bodies have been programmed through time to respond to stress as if there is imminent bodily danger. This response may not be appropriate when the source of stress is psychological. In fact, most of the stress we experience is a product of how our minds think about the problem.

When you experience stress, many times it is not resolved immediately. The body reacts to stress which causes it to maintain tension in the body. If the stress is not resolved, then this tension is held over the body for sustained periods of time.

In order to combat the effects of stress on the body, we need ways to release the energy which is being provided because of the stress. Exercise helps to a large extent and massage therapy as well. These are both important elements to help to reduce the effects of stress on the body.

One effective method for relieving stress in the body is massage therapy. There are two major positive benefits of massage therapy which are relaxation and relief of tension. Relaxation is important to distract the mind while relieving the tension and stiffness in the body provides relief.

You want to stop the ill effects of stress on the body immediately. It is important to counteract stress when it first begins. This helps to stop stress from building up more and more tension in the body which results in aches and pains.

The frequent use of a massage chair helps with relaxation. When the mind is under stress, it tends to concentrate on the problem. However, many times the problem cannot be resolved immediately. This causes prolonged stress in the body and the building of tension.

Massage chairs are equipped with MP3 players and headphones. By providing soothing music, it helps to induce the mind into a state of calm and relaxation. This cuts off the tension in the body which will cause stiffness.

Did you ever notice that when your mind is relaxed that your body also relaxes? This is one of the most important principles of reducing stress. If your mind is ruminating on its problems, then it is difficult to relieve the tension in the body. The muscles remain stiff and are very resistant to the penetration of massage therapy.

Massage chairs are a perfect way to combat stress. They help to relax and quiet the mind while relieving the tension in the body. They are available to be used on a daily basis to reduce the build up of stress and tension in the body. Relieve your stress when it starts with frequent massage treatments from a massage chair. - 32530

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Anxiety Treatment Isn't a One Size Fits All Approach

By Candace Martin

There are too many factors today in life which trigger anxiety: lifestyles, conflicting views, new environments, frustration on various things - personal, social, workplace, trauma, accidents - the list is endless. For many people these questions and thoughts alone are overwhelming. Anxiety treatment becomes a necessity when their fears (which are essentially anxiety) overtake their ability to handle them.

Anxiety disorders are classified into different categories; some more common than others. Depending upon your profile your physician will draw up a diagnosis. He may put you into one of the categories of depression, bipolar disorder, neurosis, acute distress syndrome, etc. These are high sounding terms and you should not get worried or concerned. This is merely to help the physician choose the right treatment for you. Many times the terms attributed to these disorders can frightened the patient, but don't be alarmed.

You can be helped only when you are totally honest and truthful with your physician. Most often, we all forget that the doctor can help us only when we make an honest assessment of what is happening to us. If we omit even a single detail, the doctor can only make out from the physical presentation and your statement. The doctor is a professional and his word should be trusted. The doctor will have plenty of advice and techniques to help assist you with getting your life back on track.

The first step in anxiety treatment might be counseling. This could show the person with the syndrome that anxiety is faced by other people, as well, and how these other people are coping. If a person is suffering from something like anxiety about missing buses, trains, or planes, one anxiety treatment may be to ask the person to leave earlier than others, and wait at the transportation point. If a person suffers anxiety about the workplace, it often means loss of self-esteem or because the person is sensitive to comments, looks, or being ignored by other staff members. Anxiety treatment in this case would take the form of counseling the person to enhance self esteem.

Anxiety treatment could be that the physician can prescribe as small dose of a sedative in combination with some other drug to reduce the anxiety symptoms and give some relief to the suffering person. However, this should always be done in conjunction with other forms of treatment that involve behavioral changes.

There are lots of other answers to anxiety treatment apart from drugs. These include physical exercise, herbal diets, and pills, also known as alternative medicine. Yoga and other natural methods for alleviating your distress are becoming more and more popular and accepted by the medical field.

Remember, anxiety is a human disease caused by our brains and our outlook on life. There are stressful situations all round, but at the same time our thinking ability can help overcome it, once we know the cause of our anxiety. Anxiety treatment is not taking drugs or pills, but working it out. Thousands of people around the globe have been helped by doctors and other medical professionals in overcoming anxiety, and you can be one of them. - 32530

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For A Stress Free Life, You Need Therapy

By Nick Hall

Situations can cause people to have stress and anxiety. Anxiety and anxiety attacks are more serious side effects of too much stress. Some people adjust and can actually bring out the best in a person.

Anxiety attack is related to have too much stress and also if a person is always scared, uneasy and a worry wart. These can cause an extreme reaction to the body psychologically and physically. A person tends to have an attack when they are always worried and uneasy.

How would we know when anxiety attacks?The person feels strange, with feelings of misery and or depressive thinking. These thoughts often coexist with physical states of an attack, including rapid heartbeat, shaking, dizziness, chest pains, blurred vision, among others.

One efficient solution is therapy and it will cause the anxiety level to go down to a point that it will be regarded as normal to society and it is not for everyone. They have the program that can deal with such anxiety attacks and also other conditions such as phobias and OCD. This therapy program allows the person to overcome his anxiety and basically face it head on. This will heal the person eventually in time and is the best time for therapy to intervene. There are a lot of people that believes in medicine though and if there is anything wrong, a lot of people will look for medicines for help and because drugstores are everywhere nowadays anti stress, anti depressants can work for them.

In relation to anxiety attacks, people sometimes seek prescription drugs or medicines that can lower down their anxiety, stress, and other difficulties. Having a drug free life not only involves the use of illegal drugs and its abuse, but also in a sense that people do not rely on medications or prescription drugs for their overall health. For some people, this leads to continuous use of the drug, and just feeling the sense of relaxation, since it is for anti-anxiety. They use it more and more often to feel the effect of the drug, not knowing that this may lead to drug overdose. Of course, a drug free life is the healthy life. Organic food supplements can be an alternative to vitamins, for example. But be careful, not all herbal medications are healthy nor effective. Asking a physician would really help in dealing with your health concerns. By not being too cheap in dealing with your health, one can maximize their drug free life (concerning anti-anxiety) and take therapy sessions until they are healed again. - 32530

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Use Stress Toys To Dispose of Stress

By Kasey F. Hunsicker

Any factor can trigger in stress in you. For many their high pressured roles are a reason enough for stress. For many others the family issues and associated stress makes a contribution to a rise in their levels of stress. The final analysis is that the stress appears ; regardless of what the reason is. If you're searching for a straightforward solution way to ward off stress ; then stress management toys is the ideal option for you.

Stress toys are efficient as they aim to channelize all your stress, fears and the associated stress into some kind of physical effort. Plethoras of such stress toys are available in the market. The basic fundamental of their working is that need to be squeezed in order to give desired results. As they stress toys are squeezed, the strain starts to educe out. Use of stress toys ensures relief from stress in an easy and effective manner.

You may come across many ways of stress control. Stress relief toys have an edge over most of those common measures. You can simply carry these stress relief toys around so they're available, each time you want them.

You can keep these toys around while at work or at play. Any time, any where if you are feeling that your stress are getting out of control, you can grab a toy and vent it all out. Stress toys can be used as per your need and convenience.

The easy usage is another factor that gives an edge to the stress management toys. Other anxiousness management techniques traditionally don't have this advantage. Using stress toys involves no hassle and therefore needs not much effort on your side to employ them. All you need to do is to press or squeeze your stress toy and you are done in no time. It offers a rapid relief from stress. This advantage can't be availed by others methods of stress management. Some of the popular stress management's techniques are yoga, acupressure, aromatherapy and several others. If you are making use of these methods to alleviate your stress; you want to put in plenty of effort.

Yet another advantage of stress toy management system is that it is very cost effective. It really costs about nothing. All you need is to dish out a very strongly reasonable quantity of $2 or $4. There is no real to be in double minds about your expenses. Simply go ahead and use pocket friendly stress toys to keep your stress in check.

If you're attempting to find stress toys, you have countless options to choose from. From straightforward and basic stress toys to the ones that come in the shape of unique characters, you have lots of options to choose between. If you are looking for something simple then you can go in for stress toys in the form of square, rectangle, circle, star, pyramid and the like.

Stress toys can be purchased form any where from your streetside store to the local Walmart. The best approach is to buy these stress toys online. Not merely will you get a choice from, you also get the comfort of ordering the products from your house and they will be delivered at your doorstep. Remember that if you need the stress to go away really fast, stress toys are your best bet. - 32530

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Depression After the Holidays

By Chuck Sugar

With the holidays sometimes depression can settle in. It can seem like sadness which is common, but can later fall into depression if left untreated.

Are you depressed or is someone close to you worried about your mood? If so, you are not alone. Depression is a common temporary problem and there is a lot that can help relieve you of your down feelings.

Many people are exhibiting many of the signs of depression without even knowing it. Depression can come on suddenly if it is associated with a trauma or overwhelming event, but depression often comes on very subtly; not all at once.

Depression can come on and you may not even notice it. Because it comes on slowly, little by little it may have taken it's toll with you unaware. It is similar to the way we don't notice how much our kids have grown but a distant relative who doesn't see the child everyday notices the growth spurt significantly. So is depression unnoticed by the person experiencing it. You see it everyday yet it goes by unnoticed.

Anxiety, fear, sadness, and pain are all the beginning stages of what can lead into depression. It slowly becomes worse and become severe. Sleeping, eating, basic everyday tasks is a challenge. You may feel numb or unmoved and your weight may change one way or another. Your concentration is nil and you avoid groups, social activities and become more alone.

Simple tasks become hard to do. Like, opening the mail, bill paying, or answering the phone. Here are some signs of depression that you may recognize.

First, what does depression feel like? It is hard to pinpoint the feelings of depression because many people experience it differently. Some basic similarities are: 1. You are experiencing feelings of consistent irritability, sadness or anger. 2. Nothing seems interesting or fun anymore. 3. You feel bad about yourself feeling worthless, guilty and "wrong" or you don't fit in. 4. Your sleeping habits are all messed up. You sleep too much or not enough. 5. You have a lot of unexplained headaches or other physical problems. 6. You cry easily. 7. Your weight is different. You are either losing or gaining without any effort. 8. Your concentration is poor and your work habits are poor. 9. You are helpless and hopeless and your general outlook on life is negative. 10. You may be thinking about death or suicide or some way to escape. Second, if you have thoughts of suicide or have a tendency to want to escape, what do you do with those thoughts and what answers are there if you are feeling them? Sometimes these thoughts can be scary and overwhelming. If you feel you are thinking in this way, and do not see any solutions you should get help right away. When in this state of emotions it is hard to talk to others, but it is well worth it to reach out to a pastor or counselor in your area to talk through your thoughts and feelings and to get a professional, objective opinion and help!

When you talk to someone that is sworn to silence it can help make you feel better and relieve the tension that comes with the depression. Even though it seems there are no answers, there are.

Start a journal. This is free and it has proven to be a great success. If you write your thought without holding anything back, you will be able to relieve a lot of those thoughts that seem to trap you. If you are afraid someone will read the journal, keep it in a safe place or throw away the writing after it is written. It is still beneficial to get your thoughts out on paper. What a lot of people who have experienced signs of depression say that it helped them see how their thoughts were and helped get them back on track. It helped them also love themselves again for who they were.

One way to help write down your thoughts is by writing down only one issue and then break the issue down into 4 parts.

To start, for example, describe the problem. I am angry with my husband because he is late for dinner.

Second, what are all your thoughts about what happened. (Be honest and do not edit). For example, "if he loved me, he would have called or would have been on time. Other things mean more to him than I do."

Third, write down your true emotions about the issue. I am fearful, I am sad, I am lonely because...etc.

Last, try to describe the action you are choosing to take with the given issue. For example, if you are crying, blaming others, mad at God, avoiding conflict, etc. write that down. You will be amazed about the honesty and insight it will reveal.

Those that chose the path to end their lives yet failed were sharing how they became hopeful only after their thoughts were shared and they grew to understand the depression. They realized their feelings were temporary and easier to deal with.

You have heard that time heals but only if you are healing. Time can make your heart harder and you become more and more withdrawn and indifferent. Take the challenge to help your healing grow stronger.

PS. If your depression has gotten to the point where you are having thoughts of ending your life, please call 911 and get some help immediately. Or call a counselor, who will know how to help. - 32530

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All About Panic Attack Help

By Gena Forster

A panic attack manifests as extreme anxiety or fear with physical symptoms similar to a heart attack. Symptoms include increase in heart rate, heart palpitations, sweating and hyperventilation. An attack can last from five to 20 minutes during which time the person may think they are suffering a heart attack and gong to die.

Although a panic attack is not life threatening it can definitely impact one's quality of life. It can prevent people from participating in normal social activities for fear of triggering an attack. Fortunately, panic attack help is available.

Medical assistance is extremely necessary for a person suffering from panic attack. This is required because panic attack can give rise to other complications for asthma and heart disease patients. If you find yourself with such a person suffering from panic attack, you should try to make the sufferer relaxed and keep your cool as otherwise situation will get worsened.

Make an attempt to speak to the individual in order to understand what is probably causing the attack and try to take the individual far from it but do not compel him by grabbing him away, which might impose accidental hurt as that can deteriorate the person's situation. Allow him to move around and check to see if he wishes to walk. You might even tell him to walk with you to compose him down so as to offer panic attack help.

It also means a lot not to ignore someone who is feeling fear. It might not seem real to you but the person who is having attack thinks it is real for them. It won't be good panic attack help to tell him he is crazy. Allow the person to relax and tell him to breathe in a natural way. Typically someone who suffers from holds their breath or breathes quick and fast. This can cause them to hyperventilate, which makes them dizzy and feel faint. When people manage their breathing, some of the symptoms disappear and they can relax more.

It is even imperative to keep them cool. It would aid them to calm down mainly in scenarios when the person experiences a hot sensation on the face and neck region. Cold compress can provide panic attack help. Patience along with understanding offers a great panic attack help. Comfort the person by keeping him calm and never leave him alone. - 32530

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Massage Chairs Help Ease Your Tenderness

By Bill Nixon

Do you suffer from stress? Don't worry, you certainly are not alone. We all suffer from stress from time to time. However, the main difference is in how we deal with such stress. Stress is a period of time of uncertainty. Most of the time we do not take appropriate action and therefore we suffer in paralysis. During this process, we either let the stress build up in our bodies or not. Massage chairs provide a perfect way to counterbalance the build up of stress.

Stress is very damaging to our bodies. When we are under stress, our body reacts. Chemicals are released to help ensure short-term survival. These chemicals can build up is a proper release is not sought.

We have to be very careful with stress. It can have some negative effects on the body. Stress causes your body to be prepared for action. This requires it to pump out adrenaline. Many of our stressful situations are not relieved with physical releases. Be very wary of stress, because many medical practitioners believe it is linked to 80% of diseases.

There are many different stressors which can cause us to have a stress reaction. They can range from simple to complex. One must be aware that stress is starting to build in the body. If you are aware then you can take proactive measures to relieve it.

If you start to see that you are coming under stress, and then acknowledge it. We want to make it conscious. Carry it in the front of your mind and start to see how your body is reacting. It is important for us to be aware of these normally silent processes.

Massage therapy has been around for thousands of years. It has been practiced and most cultures around the world. Now, massage chairs provide terrific convenience and access to many different types of massage techniques.

One of the ways to balance stress is the connection between the mind and body. When you are under stress, your mind put tension on the body. This changes the normal healthy balance. Massage therapy helps to relax the mind while relieving the body to help establish a healthy balance.

Massage therapy is the manipulation of the muscles, ligaments, tendons and other soft tissues. It uses stretching, elongating, pulling, rubbing and penetrating to relieve muscle aches and pains. Many of these massage actions are commonly used when we hurt ourselves.

In order to reestablish a healthy balance between the body and mind, the mind needs to relax. Many massage therapists use soft, rhythmic music to provide a soothing environment to quiet the mind. The mind must let go of its worries to let the body relax. This results in a much more effective massage treatment.

Many massage chairs come equipped with MP3 players and headphones. Music provides a way for the mind to relax and forget its troubles. Music also illuminates can be a noise which can interfere with the relaxation process. Massage chairs provide a perfect setting for relaxation and comfort.

When was the last time that you really relaxed? Was it your idea or did someone force it upon you? Many times we just need to take a timeout. It doesn't have to be a long time. It just needs to be quality time. A massage chair is a perfect way to relax your body and mind. It provides for a total relaxation and massage treatment experience.

Balance your health with a daily massage chair treatment. The beauty of a massage chair in your home or office is the access to massage therapy. It is great for a five-minute warm-up or a 20 minute relaxation treatment before bed. Either way, a massage chair delivers an effective massage treatment when you need it most. - 32530

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What A Panic Attack Is

By Marsha Haworth

What is a panic attack? It's when something happens that causes an abrupt urge of fear. There are factors that cause these attacks to occur, such as:

* Family History - when your family has a history of panic attacks there is a big possibility that you can inherit it.

* Phobias - attacks will occur when you are expose to a phobic object or situation.

* Medication - withdrawing or discontinuing intake of medication can result into relapse. A relapse is bringing you back to where your condition started.

* Biological issues - conditions of the body that may trigger attacks, like hypoglycemia.

* Alcohol and Drug withdrawal - attacks happen that can be from a result or even a side effect from stopping drugs or alcohol.

* Lack of assertiveness - feelings and negative thoughts on your mind that trigger attacks.

Panic attacks are treatable, so there is no need for you to cause more panic or pressure yourself. In fact, these attacks do not need any chemical medication. Natural treatments like cognitive behavioral therapy and self treatments are recommended for you to keep healthy and recover from attacks.

Cognitive is the process of talking to the patient and making them express the fear that is buried deep within themselves. Behavioral is the process of changing your attitudes that will motivate you into a positive outlook on life. A combination of both is the treatment known as cognitive behavioral therapy.

What are self treatment techniques? These treatments refer to the conversion of your bad eating habits into a proper balance diet, poor sleeping habits into good and adequate hours of sleep to motivate and stimulate your mind and body and from a sedentary lifestyle into an active physical lifestyle by doing exercises regularly. Also it includes meditation and yoga in maintaining the state of your mind being relaxed and calm.

Always remember, knowledge is key when asking yourself "What is a panic attack? - 32530

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How To Treat Anxiety Naturally

By Alexandrie Earlsmith

Anxiety is a medical problem that has become more prevalent over the last twenty years. Whatever the cause or extent of the condition you can learn how to treat anxiety naturally. There is no need to take prescription drugs to alleviate the problem.

There are many factors that lead to anxiety; it can present itself as a mild or severe condition. You may find that you are so anxious it is hard to live a normal life.

1. Diet: The human body is a very sensitive machine. You may have heard the phrase "we are what we eat", and this is actually true. If you have a diet high in junk food and fats then you will have a lot more toxins and waste products floating around your biological systems. This can in turn lead to greater levels of anxiety. You should limit the amount of alcohol and caffeine that you consume as well as eradicating any tobacco products that you may be using.

2. Exercise: Each time we workout our body produces hormones called endorphins. When these reach certain cell receptors it creates an uplift in our moods. The positive state of mind that is had from exercising can last for many hours after the activity has finished.

3. Relaxation: You may find it difficult to put to one side the stress and worries of your day. It is now recommended that people who regularly suffer from anxiety take part in an activity such as yoga or meditation that is known to make any individual feel more relaxed and at ease. There are special techniques you can learn which will allow you to focus on positive aspects of your life rather than the negative.

4. Herbs: Today there is a wide array of herbal supplements that you can pick up from any health food store which are known to reduce the symptoms of anxiety. Whenever you feel the tension rise you should make yourself a cup of chamomile tea. The properties of chamomile can quickly reduce the levels of anxiety that are present in any individual. Make sure you check out any potential side effects before using herbs.

5. Hypnosis: The number of people who have anxiety and use hypnotherapy as a form of treatment is increasing each year. This is a very safe technique that can address the issues that lead to negative thoughts appearing and staying in your mind. Most towns and cities will have an alternative health centre in which you can undergo a course of hypnosis. - 32530

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